Press Release


Annan Visit HIV/AIDS Voluntary Testing Center in Beijing


Beijing, China, 12 October 2004 ��United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan was joined by his wife for a visit to an HIV/AIDS voluntary counseling, and confidential testing center (VCCT) in Beijing today..


The Annans congratulated the director and staff of the centre for the great job they were doing.  In the short time they visited the centre, they met privately with People Living With HIV/AIDS attending the centre. .On exiting, the Secretary-General told the press that he had met with ��courageous people who are not only living with the condition but are also determined to share their experience with others�� He added that it would be helpful ��if we could encourage people we know to come and get tested.��


Commending the Government on taking the fight against AIDS seriously, Annan explained that ��it is a fight that requires leadership at all levels, not only the President, the Prime Minister, I think each of us have to do our bit.��


Adding her remarks, Mrs Annan told the assembled media that it was so important to reach out to all levels of society to raise awareness about AIDS because that was the way we could stop the epidemic at the early stage.  


Pointing out the red ribbon emblem her husband was wearing on his lapel, she told the assembled crowd how her husband and herself had been given a ��symbol of compassion and solidarity with people living with HIV/AIDS�� .She explained that the day before they met with a woman living with HIV/AIDS, Mrs.Xia,.who was supporting herself, her family and also caring for others.


��My husband and I call them ��our heroes��, she added,�� those who not only deal with their own medical situation but also reach out to others.��  



For more information, please contact UNDP China Communications Officer Guangming Xu. Email: [email protected]; Tel.65323731 ext. 239